
Welcome to our website! Thank you for taking time to learn more about the Delta Chi Fraternity at W&M. We want you to be as comfortable and informed about your child’s interest in our Fraternity as he is. We wish to enable every Potential New Member (PNM) to meet and exceed the growing and evolving expectations of college students. It is our goal that every one of us becomes a successful member of the chapter and of society beyond the walls of William & Mary.

Here you can find all pertinent information regarding recruitment and the commitment it entails. You can also find all information regarding Mother's Weekend and Father's Weekend! :-)


A PNM becomes an Associate Member (AM) through a public ceremony that will explain the obligations and benefits of membership in Delta Chi. Here, a PNM will be allowed to either accept, defer, or reject membership. Assuming acceptance, all AMs will begin their education on the values, history and operations of Delta Chi on a local and national level. They will also participate in philanthropy and community service events to better understand these ideals. An AM will lastly be assigned a “big brother” of their choosing who will serve as a lifelong confidant, ally, and mentor. Full membership is formally awarded and celebrated at the end of the semester.


Being able to provide educational and personal development opportunities is a paramount mission of our chapter. An AM or Brother is only limited by the time they are willing to put into each avenue. Outside of AM education, your child can apply for a chapter leadership role as either a committee chairman or an executive officer.  An executive position requires members to attend several Delta Chi leadership conferences throughout the year. There are also leadership opportunities beyond the chapter that the Fraternity may be able to assist him with, such as running for office on the Inter-Fraternity Council, student government, or the countless other W&M clubs and organizations that have brothers as members/leaders.

Academic success is a deciding factor everybody’s continued involvement within the Fraternity, as there is a minimum GPA required for both initiation and “good standing.” Membership is a continued process that is earned. If someone’s grades fall below the minimum, the chapter will address those concerns and support the brother in bringing his grades back up.  The William & Mary Chapter has a minimum college GPA requirement of 3.2 to become a new member, which is higher than the national Delta Chi GPA requirement

For more information about our chapter’s academic track record, click here!

For many, joining Delta Chi is and will forever remain one of the best decisions of their college career, and we are confident that your child will feel the same way if they choose to do so. If we can ever be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at

Warm Regards,

The Delta Chi Fraternity

Parent Weekends

Delta Chi at W&M places heavy emphasis on parental involvement. We want to foster a warm, welcoming environment with people we are proud to say we know. Our parent events reflect that and help strengthen/create friendships. Every Fall and Spring semester, we respectively host a Mom and Dad’s weekend. For highlights and current event info, read on! Feel free to email us for clarification on anything.


Our dad’s weekend events usually consist of a welcome/farewell reception, an open tab, a golf tournament, and father/son games!

Tentatively, we plan to have Dad’s Weekend March 18th-19th, 2023.


Our mom’s weekend events usually consist of a welcome/farewell reception, a farmer’s market run, philanthropy events, and mother/son games!

Tentatively, we plan to have Mom’s Weekend late October of early November, 2023.